What are the Benefits?
Research suggests that Healing Touch greatly benefits those who receive it.
Healing Touch:
•Reduces pain
•Reduces anxiety
•Relieves stress and depression
•Provides support during chemotherapy
•Strengthens the immune system
•Creates a sense of well-being
•Reduces effects of trauma and chronic pain
•Enhances recovery from Surgery
•Deepens spiritual connection
•Supports the dying process
What is Healing Touch?
Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Healing Touch is a biofield (magnetic field around the body) therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing. Healing Touch uses the gift of touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, and the energy centers that control the flow from the energy field to the physical body.
These non-invasive techniques employ the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields, thus affecting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It is based on a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come together energetically to facilitate the client's health and healing. The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmonies in the energy system, placing the client in a position to self heal.
For more info,
visit the Healing Touch Program site:

Click here for more information on HT research.

What to expect?
Healing Touch is a gentle, biofield (energy field) therapy that often facilitates a deep sense of calm and relaxation in the body-mind-spirit.The treatment is typically administered while the client lies on a massage table with their clothes on. With your permission, the practitioner uses his/her hands to assess your biofield and proceeds to clear and balance it as needed using either off body touch (near body but no direct contact) or a gentle (still) touch over various areas of the body.On occasion, one may experience an acceleration of the healing process and his/her symptoms may intensify for a brief time. When this happens, the recovery period of the illness is usually reduced.
How it works.
Many theoretical frameworks on how energy medicine works exist in the literature of quantum physics and holistic healing. However, while the exact physics mechanisms can not be definitively described at this time, the cumulative results of numerous related studies on energy medicine and consciousness indicate strong support that "something is happening" and that recipients respond positively to energy therapies such as Healing Touch.
Over the years, researchers have developed ways to measure the energy field. Theoretically, by correcting any defects in the energy field, energy therapy practices may facilitate healing of the body, mind and spirit.
Energy therapies focus on removing energy congestion that form in our energy fields (aura) and energy centers (chakras). Once these imbalances and disturbances are cleared, the energy channels resume their task of integrating the body, mind and soul to restore health and promote healing. It may also help to prevent future issues by restoring balance to energy field disturbances, which could later result in illness if left unbalanced.c
To gain a deeper understanding of the science supporting energy healing, please refer to the many books, journal articles and research findings written on this subject. Scientific evidence does exist that supports the premise that energy healing is effective. However, an experience is worth a thousand words, so the receiving of a Healing Touch treatment can do more to understand this phenomena than all the writings in the world.